Month: June 2020

Sunset Clouds (Florida)

Different Host Same Toast
After at least 16 years with the same web host, his retirement means I’ve had to sign up with a new host. I’ve chosen Bluehost and it seems to be working ok so far. You may have an issue or two that should be fixed with a reload. I’ve consolidated all three noded sites into Noded.us. So you will be automagically redirected to the proper site.

Sunset with Palm and Small Bird

Recreational Vehicle

Mrs Noded bought me an RV for my birthday. Came fully loaded but I sure there is room for two more…

Sunset (Size Large)

Really intense storm a few night ago. I’ve not see such lightning in a long time. Air to ground and air to air strikes all over the place. For all the thunder and lightning we didn’t get much rain. I was being the photographer and shooting what I could while the little voice in my head was suggesting that standing out on the driveway was not necessarily the smartest thing I’ve ever done. This was the night before the really amazing sunset that I’ve already mentioned. The African dust storm is due any day now. There may be some very intense sunrises and sunsets coming.

Sunset Face
Last night we have a once every few years sunset. The clouds were right over us with clearing skies to the west. I see the face of an old man in this image. You may or may not see it but it’s there. One of those evenings were you don’t have to push the saturation may be even start to think about pulling it back. Took a bunch of shots of the end of the day. Expect a bunch of posts.

Palms, Poles, and Fence

Got myself on a black and white kick lately. Trying to get a feeling for the space out back. And of course the Florida sky.