Month: June 2020


Ocean of Air
I look at this and see the ocean of air that roils above us. Sometimes its just like waves crashing without any need for a shore. Wasn’t that happy with the image when I started but looking at it longer brings in the emotions you want to have in your images. Remember always please your self with your images. Every one else can just get a surf board and go hang ten.

Wishful Thinking

Clouds (Florida)

By The Karat



Ripsaw Falls
Ripsaw Falls at Islands Of Adventure, Universal Studios Orlando. I have to admit that I’ve never been on the ride but I do love the whole Dudley DoRight and Rocky and Bullwinkle universe. I’ve still got a Wottsamotta U sweatshirt that I bought when Islands or Adventure first opened. There are so many layers to the humor. If you just give this view a passing glance you might not notice the Mount Rushmore reference in the background.
Not sure why Dudley had a mouth full of Dynamite. I’m guessing Snidley Whiplash has something to do with it.
