Month: July 2020




The comet on Monday July 20, 2020 from the front yard of Noded South. Click on image to to embiggen. Was a bit of a struggle finding the comet. Ended up using compass to get the general direction then shooting long exposures. There is so much light pollution around here that i couldn’t even see the big dipper. In this image there is a trace of a satellite going thru the handle of the big dipper. I hope you can see it. Note: Yeah the bigger image make a lot more stars visible.

Lightning Strike

Lightning Strike

Had some serious storms move thru a week ago Saturday night. This is the result of a lightning strike on the second fairway at Spessard Holland Golf Course in Melbourne Beach, Florida. I always think about lightning hitting trees and structures but this particular strike is right in the middle of a fairway. The strike cut grooves into the grass in all directions from where it hit. It is serious business being out in a storm with lightning. Don’t expect it to miss you.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa