Month: August 2020



And not that far from Saturn was the Moon that night. I captured this image expecting the next few days to be less than clear sky’s as the Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias strolls leisurely up the east coast. Of course last night was still clear but the almost full moon was between Jupiter and Saturn when I looked about 11pm. Now the clouds and wind have arrived but no where near hurricane force.



The other night I was out shooting images of the moon which was near to Jupiter and Saturn. I pointed my camera at Saturn not sure if I would get an image or not. I left the exposure set for the moon shot and aimed (as best I could) in the direction of the ringed planet. Wasn’t expecting much and was 3 plus stops underexposed but here is a fairly tight crop that shows Saturn and it’s magnificent rings. It’s always there, it’s just nice to see it. Image was taken hand held with my Fujifilm X-T2 and XF 100-400mm telephoto with 1.4. extender.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa