Month: May 2021



Missing the Yellow Cab logo that used to be on the door. They may have to refurbish this car a lot. Gets lots of people leaning on it. Right now it’s at the entrance to Universal Studio Orlando but sometimes it can be found back in the New York section.

24 Hours Apart

24 Hours Apart

Two views of the moon taken about 24 hours apart. The top one taken two days before the full moon. The second a day later. The moon rises a bit latter each day so the second one was closer to the horizon and so a bit bigger and oranger looking. If you look at both you can see there is a slightly different view of the moon. Just a bit of a turn but not much.

24th of May 2021 at 7:49pm EDT
25th of May 2021 at 7:22 pm
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa