Month: May 2021

Blue Angels 2021 (75 years)

Blue Angels 2021 (75 years)

Always have your camera with you reason 2021. I was down near the airport in Melbourne last Thursday and Friday. The Blue Angels were practicing their routine for the weekends air show. On Thursday I had my camera but with only a 35mm lens and there was really nothing I could do about capturing the team. On Friday I was back at the same location about the same time. (Getting a new phone is like buying a new car, it takes several days to get the job done,) I wasn’t sure if they would be practicing both days but as luck would have it they were and I was smart enough to bring a longer lens. My 18-135 at 122.8mm was enough to get a few shots. For their 75th anniversary they are flying F/A-18 Super Hornets. They are fast and loud. Having them fly over you at low altitude is a thing to experience!

The Step Sisters Get Their Invitation to the Ball

The Step Sisters Get Their Invitation to the Ball

Inside of Cinderella’s Castle there are several stunning mosaics telling the story of Cinderella. Here we see Cinderella working away in the background while the Step-Mother and the two Step Sisters read the invitation to the Ball. Exquisite details. The castle is not always open but since there are no shows going on in front of the castle right now you can walk through and spend a little time at each of the mosaics.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa