Category: 60 Second Science

24 Hours Apart

24 Hours Apart

Two views of the moon taken about 24 hours apart. The top one taken two days before the full moon. The second a day later. The moon rises a bit latter each day so the second one was closer to the horizon and so a bit bigger and oranger looking. If you look at both you can see there is a slightly different view of the moon. Just a bit of a turn but not much.

24th of May 2021 at 7:49pm EDT
25th of May 2021 at 7:22 pm
Blue Angels 2021 (75 years)

Blue Angels 2021 (75 years)

Always have your camera with you reason 2021. I was down near the airport in Melbourne last Thursday and Friday. The Blue Angels were practicing their routine for the weekends air show. On Thursday I had my camera but with only a 35mm lens and there was really nothing I could do about capturing the team. On Friday I was back at the same location about the same time. (Getting a new phone is like buying a new car, it takes several days to get the job done,) I wasn’t sure if they would be practicing both days but as luck would have it they were and I was smart enough to bring a longer lens. My 18-135 at 122.8mm was enough to get a few shots. For their 75th anniversary they are flying F/A-18 Super Hornets. They are fast and loud. Having them fly over you at low altitude is a thing to experience!

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Cape Town, South Africa