Category: 60 Second Science

Half Moon

Sub-light Engine Under Repair
Could not determine what kind of spacecraft this sub-light engine belongs to but the technicians at Ohnaka Transport Solutions keep trying to start it up every once in a while. Not sure if I would want to be in the same building as a fully functioning sub-light engine so I guess it’s good that they haven’t got it fixed yet.

Scan Initiated

Millennium Falcon

And not that far from Saturn was the Moon that night. I captured this image expecting the next few days to be less than clear sky’s as the Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias strolls leisurely up the east coast. Of course last night was still clear but the almost full moon was between Jupiter and Saturn when I looked about 11pm. Now the clouds and wind have arrived but no where near hurricane force.

The other night I was out shooting images of the moon which was near to Jupiter and Saturn. I pointed my camera at Saturn not sure if I would get an image or not. I left the exposure set for the moon shot and aimed (as best I could) in the direction of the ringed planet. Wasn’t expecting much and was 3 plus stops underexposed but here is a fairly tight crop that shows Saturn and it’s magnificent rings. It’s always there, it’s just nice to see it. Image was taken hand held with my Fujifilm X-T2 and XF 100-400mm telephoto with 1.4. extender.


The comet on Monday July 20, 2020 from the front yard of Noded South. Click on image to to embiggen. Was a bit of a struggle finding the comet. Ended up using compass to get the general direction then shooting long exposures. There is so much light pollution around here that i couldn’t even see the big dipper. In this image there is a trace of a satellite going thru the handle of the big dipper. I hope you can see it. Note: Yeah the bigger image make a lot more stars visible.

Half Moon
The dust storm from Africa seems to have cleared the other night so the moon was clear and sharp. The previous couple of nights were not as clear although there were no clouds. Anyone who thinks the best time to photograph the moon is when it’s full needs to look at images like this where the shadows on the craters give it such nice definition. I’m particularly fond of the crater on the edged of night that has such a bright wall.