Category: Disney

The Great Moving Ride

The Great Moving Ride

I’ve been really enjoying the new Mickey & Minnies Runaway at Hollywood Studios. The dimensionality and vibrancy of the ride is quite good. There is also a lot of little things that you might miss unless you ride it more than once. One of those things is a poster down in a corner just before you go into the Twister room from the fairground scene. You can get caught up in Donald Duck losing a battle with a bottle of mustard. Then there is the poster to the left. I would not have caught it if I’d not taken this image.

Mikey & Minnies Runaway Railroad took over the the space that used to contain The Great Movie ride. This little ode to the ride is entitled The Great Moving Ride and shows riders riding down an escalator WITH OUT HOLDING ON to the rails. I guess some imagineer’s subtile dig at the previous rides lack of excitement. Still it is a good joke well hidden. And now you know about it.



Walt Disney World opened 50 years ago tomorrow with one park, The Magic Kingdom, and two hotels. The Contemporary and the Polynesian were there. Must have been a lot of empty space around the park. Admission was $3.50 but you had to buy ride tickets. And the Railroad only stopped at Main Street. There were long lines getting into the parking lot which cost 50 cents.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa