Category: Disney



We haven’t stayed at Boardwalk for quite some time. It’s usually pretty full especially during the Food and Wine Festival. With some points we were going to lose if we didn’t use them we ended staying for two nights in a one bedroom unit. The last two visits we’ve stayed starting on Sunday night which has not been too bad. Since we are in the middle of the vacation season it was crowded at the parks. Did have a nice burger on the boardwalk. And it was fun watching the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

Jungle Cruise

Jungle Cruise

Was able to score tickets to see the new Jungle Cruise movie on Sunday. Sworn to secrecy about the movie but I can say it was good. I’m not sure if was as good (for the time) as the first Pirates movie, but it holds up pretty well and tells a good story. Also when given a free drink before the movie, take it slow. You don’t want to have to leave before the end.

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Cape Town, South Africa