Category: Disney

Holiday Projected

Holiday Projected

The projections on the Caste at Magic Kingdom is really the only celebration this year. The played some very generic holiday music and then contrary to expectations, turned on the projections at 6:19 pm instead of the expected 6:00 pm. All in a very anti-climatic and not the Disney we expected.

Hello Can You Please Help?  I Seem To Be Locked In.

Hello Can You Please Help? I Seem To Be Locked In.

The Star Wars droids seem to emote more personality than some of the life forms. Especially the ones with major roles like CP3O, R2D2, K2 (from Rogue One) and L3 from (Han Solo). They have an intelligence along with a child like quality of being constantly surprised by humans. Although I have to wonder each time CP3O says “Thank the Maker” as if you look to Episode 1 he was actually made by Darth Vader (granted before he became bad).

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa