Category: Disney

Top of the Castle

Top of the Castle

The new finish on Cinderella’s Castle in the Magic Kingdom is different if not well received. I personally feel that the colors just don’t gel together. The purple on the towers is a bit too saturated while the kind of skin tone or peach color on the building is flat. You may or may not like it. I’ll post more of the castle later. The crowds at Magic Kingdom were limited so I was able a lot closer than usual.

Chills, Thrills, Spills

Chills, Thrills, Spills

Chills, Thills, Spills

I was not expecting much on my first time riding the new Mickey’s Runaway Railroad at Hollywood Studios. The show replaced the Great American Movie Ride which had really reached max snoredome. I was pleasantly surprised by how good the ride ended up being. While it’s appeal is definitely aimed at the youngsters I found myself enjoying the ride and the visuals.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa