Category: Stuff I Learned

Loving CodePen

Loving CodePen

I am having so much fun with it is a really nice environment where the weekly challenges. There are such an assortment of people and skill levels there. Codepen has been around for at least four years and I am so happy I found them. Thanks to the whole team for building such a wonderful sandbox for playing with HTML and CSS (and yes too Javascript). I am MrRoberts there. look me up.

Learning CSS

Learning CSS

I’ve been, shall we say, fixated on learning CSS lately. Or should I say it’s been 10 years since I last worked with CSS. Boy have they made it much more usable. Things like Flexbox and Grid make it much easier to make stable websites. I’ve also discovered which is a fabulous site for experimenting with web front end development. I can also recommend Kevin Powell‘s channel on YouTube. He is kind of the Mr. Rogers of CSS. So below is a Codepen that I put together to so I can remember what the keyword values do for the overflow property.

Old Dog Learning New Tricks

Old Dog Learning New Tricks

I am someone who has a tendency to immerse myself it things that interest me to the point where I spend a good amount of time learning the subject to the point where I can really use the knowledge learned. Right now I am up to my eyeballs in learning CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). I did a fairly deep dive a number of years ago to the point that I was able to build websites that were at least not unpleasant to look at. Over the last few years CSS has been updated a lot. I’ve dived back into it.

One of the things I can recommend is a site that lets you create and test CSS and Javascript in a sandbox environment. I use it to store things that I have learned about specific CSS code such as margin and padding. This gives me a reference anytime I forget exactly what some thing does. There are a lot of wonderful code smith’s that you can follow that are doing amazing things with CSS.

Another really useful tool is the You Tube Chanel of Kevin Powell. He has over 300 video on working on the front-end of the web. I highly recommend his videos.

At the moment I’m redoing my landing page for The code I used was state of the art in 2008, not so much now. So an update was and is in order.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa