Lost Expolers Hall
This sign is hidden in plain sight along the entrance to Islands of Adventure. Do you know where it is?
This sign is hidden in plain sight along the entrance to Islands of Adventure. Do you know where it is?
Always the question.
We were one of the very first people to ride this ride when Islands of Adventure first opened. Haven’t been on it since, you get really wet. With the temperatures in the 90’s and heat index above 100 it might be time to revisit it.
Ripsaw Falls at Islands Of Adventure, Universal Studios Orlando. I have to admit that I’ve never been on the ride but I do love the whole Dudley DoRight and Rocky and Bullwinkle universe. I’ve still got a Wottsamotta U sweatshirt that I bought when Islands or Adventure first opened. There are so many layers to the humor. If you just give this view a passing glance you might not notice the Mount Rushmore reference in the background.
Not sure why Dudley had a mouth full of Dynamite. I’m guessing Snidley Whiplash has something to do with it.